Tuesday, March 30, 2004

[new] (#177) (Rated 5.00/2)

by Donna Z on 03/30/2004 12:47:59 AM EST

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The Judith Miller affair must have some deep roots. She is also a published author regarding bioterrorism, so maybe they are keeping her on a short leash. Nevertheless, you are correct, it is not enough considering the deaths she has caused.
I saw the bit with Aaron Brown and the members stating that 911 could not have been prevented. After all we know, they are just going dismiss everything. What a country! Of course the polls seems to be with them on this. I'm afraid bush turned the corner today. Notice how few, very few of the talking heads frame the discussion of ClarkE's book as part of mounting evidence? Rarely do we hear O'Neill or Beers mentioned as contributing sources.
Everytime we think we have them the wiggle away; slugs.
So Kerry has decided to avoid Foreign Policy questions. OMG. Kerry always did have poor political instincts. I mean he's known that bushCo left the ball on field during the big game and has run away from the issue just as all of the other spineless Dems have done for months and months. The voters won't listen to Kerry unless they can take foreign policy off the table. Sure voters want to concentrate on the jobs and healthcare, but unless they see the two as at least equal, they will vote for bush. Look at the shift in polls.

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