Monday, March 22, 2004

Reading Clarke's Book

The title "Against all enemies" - refers to the oath of protecting *the constitution against all enemies - makes sure in the preface to include Ashcroft and his attack on civil rights in the category.
Wes is mentioned on page 138 - peace accords in Dayton - brief mention of his heroism - recovering bodies before the car blew up.
The first chapter is riveting - all the movements in the WH on Sept 11 - Clarke sent W bunker hopping, Lynne cheney interfering with the situation room, lowering the volume to listen to CNN...Rummy, Wolfowitz pitching Iraq September 12 - W not adverse to it, Hugh Shelton adding: "but we need a large force to change regime"
There's a history fron Raygun to W - concluding that raygun and poppy also dropped the ball....

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