Friday, March 19, 2004

[new] (#155) (No rating)

by julianyc (julianyc at forclark dot com) on 03/19/2004 01:48:59 PM EST

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Oh my! I just went over to the Kerry blog and this was the case someone made for Edwards as VP
"As Democrats I can only hope that Kerry realizes that adding Edwards to the ticket allows them to frame this election.  If he seizes the opportunity to add a VP candidate that removes national security from the debate so we can have an election on the issues then we can win this election and win back the Senate and very likely the House when the midterms come around.  If not then we are in for a very tough and completely uphill fight."
Are people really this stupid? It's like walking into court and introducing a teacher instead of a forensic psychologist because you don't like the forensic case that the other side has. Even if you are completely right in your case you need to face what the other side challenges you to.
Edwards will look like a total amateur debating National Security with Cheney.

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