Sunday, March 14, 2004

(#18) (No rating)

by Donna Z on 03/14/2004 01:55:05 PM EST

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I wrote about this on the last thread, but being near the end, I'm sure many will have missed my meandering thoughts.
Re: Joe Liebermann on CNN this morning. While we all question the usefullness of having Liebermann speaking out on the war, what is the difference between Liebermann's position and Edwards'? Both believe that their votes were correct and both agree with bush etal about the invasion. Edwards is on record as equating 911 with Saddam. So aside from better hair, what exactly would be the debate between Edwards and Cheney? Debates by their very nature need differing opinions.
I know that we have hashed this out many times on these threads, but I believe we need some perspective. Do a mental photoshop of this mornings CNN image exchanging Edwards for Liebermann, and understand what the so-called-Dean/Edwards wing of the liberal spectrum is advocating. In fact, on certain social issues, Liebermann is much more liberal.
Finally, we must make the case that the General has brought home. Because of money and deficits, the war in Iraq and our national economy are linked whether we like it or not. Recently the congress passed a budget; a budget in deficit without money allocated for Iraq and Afghanistan. Solving healthcare, creating a viable jobs policy, and funding other social needs to bridge the gap in the two Americas will be impossible until we come to terms with our foreign policy. A policy that is currently just peachy with Senators Edwards and Liebermann. (Note: this policy is also being advocated by ALL of the other names  mentioned as possible VP candidates with the exception of Graham.)
Donna Z--A Wes Clark Democrat online

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