Saturday, March 27, 2004

[new] (#275) (Rated 5.00/1)

by John in Houston (John-in-Houston at forclark dot com) on 03/27/2004 09:03:20 PM EST

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WH comes back at Kerry for demanding that Rice testify. Among other things a spokesperson said this:
"John Kerry's backward-looking approach would return us to the failed policies of treating terror as a law-enforcement matter."
Actually, that's a very forward-looking approach. As Wes explains in Winning Modern Wars, the state-sponsored terrorism approach [Bush] is the Cold War model. But this statement gives good insight into the shape of the debate to come. What this suggests is that the WH is going to argue the neoconservative, Pax Americana, might-makes-right approach to the war against international terrorism. What they refer to as Kerry's "backward-looking approach" is the one being followed by Spain, France, Germany, and the UK now as they meet to find ways their security agencies can better cooperate and share information, ignoring Bush's Iraq-centric approach entirely. The fact is that fighting terrorism really is largely a matter of police-work supported by diplomatic work. Wes could smack this down in five seconds flat. Cheney's defibrillator may get a workout.

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