Tuesday, March 23, 2004

(#143) (No rating) by Donna Z on 03/23/2004 01:29:24 AM EST
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Dearest Sybil_Mutual admiration for your posts. Going through my files I came across one of your great--maybe your greatest--rants. Many of us are on the same wave length here...Kerry is not really part of my problem with all of this, it is just that Wes Clark REALLY is the president I was promised as a kid.

The night that Clark endorsed Kerry I went over to the Kerry site and was stopped short by the picture on the front page of Kerry and Wes. My entire head caught on fire. Poof! I'm improving day by day. Then it came to me a few days ago: I really am a Wes Clark Democrat. I've always been a Wes Clark Democrat.

On the afternoon of 911 when the kids were just too far blow out to talk about anything else, they asked me if we were going to war. I told them "yes" but that was not the issue. The real issue was whether we would go to "peace." I said, "If you ever hear anyone speaking about weeding out the roots of terrorism: fear, ignorance, poverty and bad governments; vote for them. I told them I was listening for that person and they should be too. And then Wes Clark came along.

Maybe because I am a second generation American who was entralled by American ideals, or maybe it is because I was kid in the fifties, before the vast night of political cynicism decended, but I tear up when I read about the struggle for democracy. I believe in the values this country was founded on. Wes Clark has said things that have brought me to my knees; things I've waited my entire life to hear. He is a great American and he is one of us.

In some ways this is no ordinary election. Bush must go...or we will lose more than we can possibly imagine. I fear and believe, we will not get another chance. And this time will not be much of a chance.

On the other hand, with Clark out of the running, this is an ordinary election for me. Dem vs Rep. Keeping the first thought in my head...the mission, I can go through the motions and do my best. Kerry could make this easy for me and make Wes the VP, but I for one, cannot let that factor even tinge my motivations.

We must dream in critical mass of getting rid of bush, so that dream can become a reality.

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