Tuesday, March 16, 2004

[new] (#146) (Rated 5.00/2)

by Lara (Lara at forclark dot com) on 03/16/2004 12:58:08 PM EST

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Never let it be said that I rest on my laurels:
Dear Kerry staff:
As an original Draft Wesley Clark grassroots campaigner, my curiosity was intrigued when I saw this site: www.draftkerryedwards.com.
However, that curiosity turned to pure anger when I did a search to see what "grassroots" organization started this website and discovered this:
Old North State Strategies Co.
Thomas Mills
502 Brandywine Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Phone: 919-932-9359
Fax..: 919-932-4277
Email: tmills2@nc.rr.com
Turns out this isn't a grassroots campaign at all. And is, in fact, a political image company:
(Scroll down to Image Makers, alphabetically.)
Now, I'm not sure if Sen. John Edwards hired these people or if these people are trying to cash in on something, but I would hope that your staff ignores this blatant attempt to cash in on genuine grassroots efforts.
Thank you, however, for continuing to support Wes Clark's policies by having him appear at various functions for Sen. Kerry. We drafters certainly do enjoy seeing the General and adore it when he gives George W. Bush hell!

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