Thursday, March 18, 2004

(#54) (Rated 5.00/1)

by The bug on 03/18/2004 04:54:21 PM EST

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Just went over to the Edwards blog - curious to see what they were saying about the VP issue.  I lasted about 5 minutes and left very very afraid.........
Of course, the VP thing is all over the place - one blogger was wondering why Clark and Dean were all over the news shows while Edwards was not - to which another blogger replied it meant Edwards was the VP candidate and the Kerry campaign was keeping him "safe." They also think Edwards would be the perfect VP because of his ability to raise money and "connect with people."
And, they're all in love with Peggy Noonan (Neocon Noonan)!  They think she has a crush on JRE (as they call him) - and they love how she praises him all the time. These people are even stupider than I thought!
But here's the scary stuff.....there's a thread where some people are telling others that Kerry's poll numbers are tanking - that he's ready to implode and he better pick Edwards as VP quick. One person said "Kerry should be finished by the end of June - if his poll numbers aren't down the toilet by then, then the dems will have to come up with some filth to make sure Kerry steps down before the convention."  They reiterated their "hope that Kerry picks Edwards as a back-up or the situation could get a little complicated in Boston."  They went on to say, "That's our hope - that Kerry implodes before the convention so that he withdraws and Edwards steps in his place." These people are seriously deranged!
That was it for me!  I skulked away.

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