(#12) (Rated 5.00/1)
by guitrock on 03/02/2004 11:46:12 PM EST
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I remember in 1992 that Clinton and Gore seemed to really like each other, and their wives also got along. They even campaigned together, which was quite unusual. The media caught this friendship, and it made a big impact on the election.
I feel that way with Clark and Kerry. Right before Wes got it, Kerry made a statement about how much respect he had for him as a person. They seem friendly together, and Clark brings out Kerry's aggressive, but positive, personality. Kerry needs that - he can be as boring as anyone. Like I said earlier, Kerry going around with another U.S. senator will only emphasize his Washington insider status and his dull side.
In this president/vice-president political world, the campaigning president sets out the policy and the VP expounds and gives substance to it. Anyone would be fooling themselves to believe that anyone could play that role better than General Clark.
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
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