Tuesday, March 09, 2004

(#236) (Rated 5.00/1)

by jackieg825 (jackieg825 at forclark dot com) on 03/09/2004 11:23:20 AM EST

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I think that with the frenzied nature of the press coverage that if Clinton had injected himself into the controversy, it would have fueled the "Clinton stalking horse, Clinton puppet" themes that were circulating so strongly when Clark first entered. Also, because of the nature of the Shelton smear, there was nothing specifically that either Clark or Clinton could refute.  "Character and integrity issues" is so vague and sweeping, as smears are intended to be, there's nothing you can really say but "it's not true" and the press was determined to make something be there even when it wasn't. Clinton was damned either way and had to walk a fine line, and the next smear that came along, if he didn't say anything then they would have said, why didn't Clinton dispute this one, it MUST be true.  And for all we know, Clark may have asked Clinton to stay out of it so he could show he was his own man and didn't need 'big Bill' coming to the rescue when things got rough. Maybe he wanted to show he could fight his own battles?

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