Tuesday, March 09, 2004

by bbbear (charliemunn@comcast.net) on 03/09/2004 10:05:09 AM EST

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#121 I disagree with you. Wes Clark believes in accountability in all things. I strongly suspect he'd be the first to say, "The Buck Stops Here!"
Wes Clark is one of the brightest and sanest people on the planet. He would never want any of us to blame his failures on others. In the end, it was his decision to run for POTUS. It was his decision to align himself with M.M. and with the Clintons. If those were mistakes, then they were purely Wes Clark's mistakes.
As we still wallow in our own miserie trying to blame others, Wes Clark has chalked it all up to an enjoyable learning experience and moved on. Maybe it's time for all of us to do the same.

There is a difference between Clark not placing blame on others and my doing so.
    he lead this thing - so taking responsibility is a mark of leadership. I am a foot soldier and also have a vintage view which gave me info on things Clark might not have seen at the time (ex: convergence of extreme right and  extreme left - Fair.org - to destroy his candidacy the moment he announced)
     All the time he considered his decision and the draft movement gathered steam, the Atkansas project did too. It mobilized its foot soldiers in all parties , nooks and cranies - and the sustained attacks started September 17 (as declared on CNN) and never quite stopped yet.
     Move on? Check my name - and you'll know better than to tell me that.

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