Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Subject: [clarkactionteam] Re: Voted for Clark

Probably makes no difference, but it was rather nice to vote for the
man I want rather than who was available for once. However, I
almost wasn't able to do that...when I went to my polling place and
they looked up my name, they still had me listed as Republican -
even though I changed my voter registration to "Decline to State"
last year! It all worked out in the end though...had to fill out a
few new forms, vote on a different looking ballot, yada, yada...

Anyway, there was a great satisfaction in punching the ballot next
to Wesley Clark. I stared at it for a few extra seconds - savoring
the moment. No sadness, no regret, just enormous pride for what all
of you did for this campaign and for General Clark - and tremendous
thanks for having met all of you because of it!



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