Wednesday, March 10, 2004

DU deanie thread pusshing Breck
Response to Original message
31. That "9.11 justified Iraq" will come in handy when W this summer,
at Ground Zero
Edwards went out of his way to contradict kerry on the "exaggerations"
Blix seems to agree with Kerry (and the non'W/Edwards world)
__Blix: Danger of Global Terror Exaggerated by Bush and Blair
"The world is overestimating the dangers of global terrorism, especially when compared with a possible greater threat posed by environmental risks, says Hans Blix. "I think we still overestimate the danger of terror... There are other things that are of equal, if not greater, magnitude, like the environmental global risks.",6119,2-10-1462_1494680,
here's your "VP":
You asked, I believe, Senator Kerry earlier whether there's an exaggeration of the threat of the war on terrorism.
"It's just hard for me to see how you can say there's an exaggeration when thousands of people lost their lives on September the 11th."

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