: "Jai" Re: Clark sent e-mail to Kerry supporters?
Reply-To: UnitedForClark@yahoogroups.com
Here's what I just posted in the johnkerry.com forum:
Subject: An appeal to ALL Kerry Supporters
If you've maxed out your $2K limit
I hope this isn't inappropriate, but I'm sure if it is, a mod will
pull it, or edit out the offending portions, and I will try not to
feel too bad. :)
I just read on the Democratic Underground that all you guys/gals got
an e-mail from Wes Clark this morning, asking us all to "do
everything we can to help return the White House to its rightful
owners -- the American people."
Most of you know that General Clark sent all us Clarkies an e-mail,
on the same day he endorsed Senator Kerry, asking us to do the same.
He has also communicated with us in various other ways, reinforcing
the message. And most of us are doing all we can.
Anyway, seeing this morning e-mail gave me a thought... (mark your
calendar!). And please know, this is just an idea from one
grassroots supporter--nothing at all "official" in any way, shape or
Almost all Clark supporters have come over to the Kerry camp. We
have given our votes to John Kerry, especially where he was still
fighting off Edwards' challenge--even when it hurt not to vote for
the guy we worked so hard for. We are joining Kerry meet-ups and
attending Kerry rallies. We are even becoming Kerry delegates (I
know two personally from the MO Clark group), and in my own state of
Kansas, we will be working hard to fight off the Dean activists at
our caucus on Saturday.
The one thing we are reluctant to do is contribute money to John
Kerry, in any significant amount, so long as Wes Clark has campaign
debt of his own.
Don't get me wrong--those of us who have maxed out on Clark are
contributing to Kerry now, and most of the rest have contributed
small amounts to show our support. But we will be more fully ready to
get on with it when we close the financial books on Wes Clark's
Many of us feel that ESPECIALLY because we drafted him to run, and
because he gave up a very lucrative business to answer our call (and
still hasn't gone back to the private sector while he campaigns for
John Kerry--where he is raising big $$$), we have a special
obligation to do what we can to make sure he and his family don't
sacrifice financially any more than they already have.
I'd like to ask any Kerry supporter who has maxed out his or her $2K
contribution limit to consider donating to Wes Clark's campaign debt.
The link for contributions is: https://secure.clark04.com /
You can contribute on line, or download/print the form to mail it in.
Any amount would be much appreciated.
Think of it as an investment for future Kerry contributions. The
sooner Clark's debt is retired, the sooner we "Clarkies for Kerry"
will feel able to really get started donating heavily to Senator
It's almost a way to go over your own $2K limit, if you think of it
that way. All perfectly legally, of course--I'm not suggesting a one-
for-one trade.
Regardless of what the future of the election season holds, it's
obvious to me that Kerry and Clark are a great team, and I think our
two camps are proving to be as well. We're all in this together.
Help us out please!
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
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