Wednesday, March 03, 2004

[new] (#193) (Rated 5.00/2)

by TOTALLY COMMITTED on 03/03/2004 07:36:45 PM EST

From the Blog:
Kelly Wallace says Clark is on the "VERY" Short List for VP.
Wes and Gert are spotted flying Coach to Palm Beach, FL -- where it just so happens the Kerrys are staying.
New guy brought on board for Kerry's VP search MIGHT BE the guy who worked the Clark campaign in the beginning.
Kerry is looking for a VP who he (1) Gets along with (2) Has foreign policy/security/military experience (3) Probably from the South to balance the ticket (4) Has a fundraising capability in place -- oh, heck... sounds like Wes.
So, should we be getting our hopes up or not?

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