Wednesday, March 03, 2004

(#110) (Rated 4.20/5)

by Donna Z on 03/03/2004 12:44:28 AM EST

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I'm shocked...shocked I tell you! I think the media is lying and trying to decide the last spot on the Democratic ticket. Can this be?
Well, so far this evening we've been told that Kerry will decide the vp spot soon, very soon. But wait; he will also wait until late June. Or will he wait until May?
And he wants to kick Terry Mc Awful sorry ass because Terry Mc Awful talked about (gasp) AWOL and anointed Kerry on the Sunday shows. But then again, that AWOL schtick has made bush VERY vulnerable...and vulnerable is good right? And Gephardt, Terry's boy is on the short list or is it the long list?
Well, don't worry because we're sure that Kerry is cold on Edwards, unless he's warm. Well, no one is as warm as Judy, but saliva don't come easy folks.
The Clinton's want Clark? huh...So say those who spend every waking minute hating Clinton. So what's with that? And if Clinton was an actual advocate for Wesley Clark, where was that Big Dawg when Shelton smeared the General? In fact, Clinton had a responsiblity to set that record straight since he, not Clark, screwed up.
The ONLY person on TV or in the Democratic Party who has consistently told me the truth is General Clark. He says "no deals made" and he says he's not after anything but George W. Bush's ass----out. I'm sticking with the General. But oh would I love to see him about now.

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