Wednesday, March 03, 2004

(#119) (Rated 5.00/1)

by Tielsch (Tielsch at forclark dot com) on 03/03/2004 12:52:05 AM EST

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You know, the other day as I was thinking about how General Clark lost his job because he had the moral courage to stand up for his principles, I realized how many people in my own life have had a similar experience -- not on the same grand scale, of course, but just as life-changing in their own experience.  I know so many people who quit or lost jobs because they had principles that they couldn't reconcile with the status quo at their place of employment.
It happened to me many years ago in my career before I started raising our family, it happened to my husband (he lost his job because of an ethical stand he had to take and we ended up having to move our very young family 1000 miles away as he began a new career) -- it has happened to several dear friends of ours -- including someone who had a decorated career in the US Navy.
I can't help but think that this happens to lots of people, not just my family and friends.  I know it is one of the reasons that I so deeply respect and admire General Clark. 
And in all of those cases, we all landed on our feet, and we are all doing just fine. 
I don't think there is any power on earth that could possibly keep General Clark from continuing to do extraordinary things with his life. 

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