Wednesday, March 03, 2004

(#124) (Rated 5.00/3)

by MN4Clark on 03/03/2004 12:55:04 AM EST

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Gosh it felt good to vote for clark in the MN caucus tonight.  Actually, I had been sorta undecided until yesterday. 
Not that I had any doubts that Clark is the best choice.  It was just that he wasn't running anymore.  I tried, I really did, to rationalize voting for my second choice.  But it became obvious to me that I had to vote for my second choice in November, but nobody is gonna tell me not to vote for my first choice today! 
My precinct had a larger than normal turnout.  Edwards came in a close second to Kerry. My single vote for Clark gave him about 5% of the vote in my precinct.....wouldn't it be great if every precinct in every contest today had 5% for Clark even though his campaign is suspended?
I got an associate chair job for the precinct. Signed up for the resolutions committee (looking forward to that), and  will be a delegate to the county convention.  I wrote a resolution against computer voting without a paper trail that was enthusiastically approved. There were a wide variety of resolutions proposed.  It was actually fun! 
An interesting  resolution that did not pass (was poorly worded) had a pretty good idea though.  The abortion issue is pretty big in rural MN.   The guy who proposed the resolution was a real nice guy, if he was not pro-choice he certainly wasn't gonna bash someone who was, wanted to propose something that made a gentler case on the abortion issue.  (Background on rural MN: the abortion issue is THE issue a lot of would-be democrats vote repuklican. St Cloud....) 
 Anyhow, his resolution failed,in part due to my efforts, and I was just too danged tired at this point to propose another that would have passed, but I am struck with the idea of trying to put a gentler approach to the issue.  It came to me that leaving out the word abortion in his resolution, and simply stating that the dem party supports funding for education about choices, funding for adoption, funding for preventing unwanted pregnancies,etc....knowing that the Repukes don't want to fund least emphasize that we are pro-choice but we want to be on the side of doing positive things to allievate the problem...seemed to be having a more sell-able position than  being pro-choice alone.  I look forward to discussions on the resoultions committee on this issue.
All in all, I am glad I participated.  I am glad I voted for Clark.  And I look forward to working to defeat Bush.  One good thing about a caucus, you see the human face of people.  People who are Edwards supporters, people who are Kerry supporters, and Kucinich supporters, and ME! It is obvious that they all hate Bush.

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