Saturday, March 06, 2004

(#168) (Rated 5.00/4)

by TOTALLY COMMITTED on 03/06/2004 02:28:55 PM EST

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When my private practice dried up because of HMO's, the thing I chose to do with my life ended up being running a "safe house" for battered womaen and their children.
One night, late, one of the women's spouses showed up to bully her into coming home with him. (He was weathy enough to hire a private detective to find out where she was...) Anyway, one of my jobs was to meet him out front and "deter" him from entering the premises until the police arrived. It was the first thing out of his mouth: "You %#&$^@%#ing Democrat do-gooders!" he went on to tell me that Democrats were responsible for all the ills of the world. Heck, I was responsible for breaking up his family. (Never mind that HE had beat the woman within an inch of her life and badly traumatized his children, but because I ran this place that allowed them to get away from him, I -- okay, so I was a Democrat! -- I was responsible for breaking up his family. I, and all my Democrat friends who had "no family values". I swaer, he actually SAID THAT.)
Anyway, I use that as an example of the "Republican" mindset I most often ran into in my "do-gooder" days. But, not all Republicans are like that. Some are just fiscally conservative. Some are just socially conservative. It's only the Right Leaning Wingnut Arm of the RNC that sees all Democrats as the devil. Those are the ones who are ruining society today. That anger is what fuels most of the partisan divide that has embittered us all. I rue the day that it all took a right turn this way (pun intended).
All that having been said, BUSH AND COMPANY MUST NOT GET ANOTHER 4 YEARS IN WASHINGTON. Our country will never survive it intact.
And, I believe that a KERRY/CLARK ticket is the only one that can win against them.

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