Saturday, March 06, 2004

(#116) (Rated 5.00/2)

by TOTALLY COMMITTED on 03/06/2004 01:21:53 PM EST

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There is something in me (and maybe in General Clark?) that is not allowing me to say IT'S OVER until it really IS over.
I refuse to believe that he will NOT be the VP nominee. I simply, flat-out refuse. I have my moments of despair, but mostly, my mind will not let me admit complette defeat until Kerry makes his announcement.
I have mixed feelings with the knowledge that nothing we can do or say can influence the VP selection process any longer. I'm relieved and disturbed all at the same time. But, the committee has been formed, and their decision will be final. Vaya con dios time! It's in the hands of the Universe.
So, I will spend the time they take making their decision BELIEVING AS POSITIVELY AS I CAN from one given moment to the next that WESLEY CLARK WILL BE THE VP NOMINEE.
Once again before I end... to LJM, Larry, Kesnjia, Rebecca, and all the KC Clarkies that gave Our General his due last night: THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL YOU DID. It sounds like his appearance was the honor he so richly deserved, and you all made it that way.

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