Sunday, March 07, 2004

(#207) (Rated 5.00/2)

by icantbelieveimvotingforageneral (

Wes feels compelled to serve his country.  He loves this country.  If he feels that his being the VP is the only way to save us from the Bush administration then he "WANTS" that duty.  I do not believe that Wes ever wanted the POTUS, the VP, or any political office for himself.   In Wes's perfect world, Gore would have taken office in 2001 and Clark would be spending his time enjoying his grandson. 
The reason we bloggers "want" Wes as VP is that we don't think Kerry can win without him.  I say "we" even though I now believe that Kerry, Wes, and the rest of Kerry's small circle have things under control and have come up with a plan that if it is not Wes as VP it is at least as viable as Wes as VP. 
This isn't about "we want our guy as VP."  This isn't about "Wes wants VP."  Shit, we'd all prefer that Gore was in charge and we wouldn't have to be involved in anything but a sure thing re-election campaign.  But that's not the situation.  The reason people are upset and insisting on "our guy as VP" is because we want Bush out of office.  As soon as Kerry comes forward with a plan to win (that we honestly believe Wes thinks will work), we'll all be happy.

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