Sunday, March 07, 2004

bogus polls

__AP Features the First Bogus Corporate Poll of the Election Season

Right on cue, within 48 hours of Bush's official launching of his campaign, AP (American Propaganda), released its first trumped up poll. It of course shows Bush ahead of Kerry - quite miraculously, considering the fact that no fewer than 10 other polls (including Gallop, CNN, Zogby, et al) in the past two weeks have shown Kerry with a 5-15 point LEAD over Bush. The poll also gives Nader 6% of the vote - yet he isn't even backed by his own (former) party (he only got 1-3% when he WAS). But with the campaign officially launched, you can rest assured that the corporate pollsters will come obediently to heel, along with the rest of the corporate media (which started its preparations for the campaign by blocking MoveOn's ads and firing Howard Stern from several markets).

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