Friday, March 12, 2004

(#21) (No rating)

by Dee P ( on 03/12/2004 04:41:40 PM EST

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Just saw on IP, Judy discussing with TM about the Kerry campaign, asked about the $$ for advertising. She said Don Fowler said, Kerrys Campaign ( then a screen popped up with the following that supposedly Fowler said: However, it read)
Whether or not Wesley Clark can be an effective candidate operating on limited funds for four or five months until the convention will determine whether this is a good idea. He will be greatly outgunned." Don Fowler, DNC Chairman March 5th!!
I think IP is getting John Kerry confused with Wes Clark....hahaha. I had to back it up and rewind several times to see if I was seeing correctly.  I taped it so I could relay this to all of you.  They must have Wes on the mind.  I can't believe they did that, and NOT correct the error!  I hope lots of folks see it. It is funny! 

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