Sunday, March 07, 2004

(#244) (Rated 5.00/1)

by bl23 on 03/07/2004 02:28:02 PM EST

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Absolutely.  I don't want Clark to have to go through this nightmare of politics in this country.  It's horrible.  It's only my belief that he needs to be out in front calling them liars every day that will get them out.  And I like Kerry, but since 9/11 the Dems have rolled over and played dead.  Edwards thought he could win without focussing on foreign policy.  Running against a WAR president.
The cluelessnes of these people...they don't think Bush is going to have a Saddam trial, a bin Laden catch...use 9/11 to justify every single horrendous decision he's made, and not WIN in Nov., if they can't even challenge the basic premise that he's been the worst "war" president we've ever had.?
Rendell, Richardson, Graham...none of them seemed to even have a clue this morning.  You can not run against a war president if you can't say...this is the worst run war I've ever seen.  There's more anger and violence in the world, there's more danger in the world since you started your policies, Mr. President.  Mr. President, your policies are failing. 

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