Sunday, March 07, 2004

(#56) (Rated 5.00/3)

by Linnea on 03/07/2004 04:55:53 PM EST

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Great discussion here today regarding Wes on with Wolf Blitzer, and the VP issue.  Everyone is so astute and so right on the mark.  I believe the answer to the VP question is that it has already been decided.  ;->  It will be, has been, and is being executed as a plan. 
Reasoning:  John Kerry was disappointed with the vetting process and the 'being in the dark' and 'last one to know' process he went through with the Gore VP decision.  I think his decision has already been made.  The chemistry, '1+1=3' with the Kerry/Clark Wisconsin endorsement - was immediately apparent. Wolf Blitzer aired the media clip as the intro to his interview with Wes.  Kerry/Clark, together - resonate with trust, resolve, friendship, admiration, determination, skill, experience.  John Kerry was taken to a new 'dimension' with Wes Clark at his side.  I believe Wes IS the VP choice. 
Kerry announced the VP vetting process, which will be done - to close comment on the issue from him directly, during this setting up of the national campaign.  Kerry knew who he wanted for VP. It has always been Wes Clark.  The VP search committee will, among other things, give an analysis of how Clark can best be used in the process for the broadest advantage.
The Kerry campaign has let tidbits of information get out:  that Kerry wants ' a pit bull' who can challenge gwb directly; that he wants to run with someone he feels he can best share 'the journey' with.  ;->   That he considers the Pres/Vice Pres to be a 'team'.
Do not underestimate the passion and resolve John Kerry has for the 'band of brothers'.  John Kerry needs a friend, a partner - someone, above all, he can trust.  I watched Ice's media clip of the debate that Tom Brokaw moderated.  When Wes was answering a question about Iraq and foreign policy - the camera panned to John Kerry.  Kerry was listening with rapt attention and admiration for Clark.  Also showed John Edwards listening with the same thoughtfulness.  As much as Wes Clark has impressed us - he has also impressed John Kerry.  Another point, the scenario of Clark as a potential cabinet member would not lend itself to Clark's being out on the campaign trail.  As the VP candidate, Clark would be campaigning all over the country - and raising funds.
Also, as many have pointed out here, John Kerry is channelling Wes Clark's message - in a lot of specifics.  John is right now preparing 'expanded' and maybe revised policy papers on domestic issues.  More of Wes Clark's influence, I think.
I see signs of the democratic party organizing and pulling together for unity and for launching a concerted and organized effort to get gwb and the ideological neocons OUT of the WH.   I think Dean, Clark, Edwards, Gephardt - all the players - are involved and details being worked out, in a way not seen in recent presidential campaigns.  There is resolve - that echoes like shock n'awe - through the democratic ranks.  The first announcements may well come mid-month, at least from the Dean camp - and probably Clark - for a call out to the grassroots/internet support.
Just my 2 cents.

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