Thursday, March 04, 2004

(#26) (Rated 5.00/1)

by Anonymous on 03/04/2004 01:50:00 PM EST

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 I met Kym Spell at the St. Thomas Airport in the US Virgin Islands.  I work at the airport as a marketing rep. for a hotel, and before I knew who she was I tried to book her on a tour of a timeshare.  When I asked what she did for a living she told me she was a writer for politicians and I was thinking NYC councilman or somebody.  I asked if she worked for anybody that I have heard of, and she replied John Kerry, and John Edwards I guess assuming that I did not know who the General was.  She said she ran Edwards 98 Senate run and worked for Kerry.  I told her I was the Virgin Islands Vollunteer Coordinator fo Wes Clark, and her eyes lit up.  She then told me she was his press secretary.  I then abandoned my timeshare pitch and we spoke for ten minutes about the campaign.  She told me how she worked under Lehane for Kerry and when he left she followed him to Clark's campaign.  I mentioned the VP slot and asked for her opinion and she gave an unassuring "I don't Know".  I felt kind of bad for mentioning to her that I thought the media gave Wes a hard time, and that there was almost no positive stories between Iowa and Feb 10, which she may have taken personal being the Press Sec. but I hope not.  There were so many questions I would have liked to ask her, but she was on vacation and I did not want to bother her.  She will be here untill tues and it is a small island so if anybody has any questions I should ask if I run into her again.  let me know and I will post any further encounters.
      peace folks
             JP   St. Thomas USVI

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