Thursday, March 04, 2004

WesDem  (844 posts) Thu Mar-04-04 11:11 AM
Response to Original message
131. I don't know why I look on the bright side this morning
But I was downstairs drinking coffee and thinking about this thread. It was through the DU interchange that we came together into battle-hardened troops for Wes. We had to fight so hard every damned day. We had to work so hard every damned day. We had to do our own rapid response research to counter the RW talking points thrown at us in every other thread by Democrats! We had to learn how to express our positions tightly and clearly and back up our points. We had to identify ourselves for our candidate and with his program and to each other. I clearly remember the first time Tom Rinaldo appeared on my radar screen - I was, like, whoah, that's how we do this! I remember WillyBrandt's Wes Clark Word of the Day. Incap's graphics for Clark, the red convertible, the cheerleader. FrenchieCat and RobbedVoter, intrepid in their links for Clark. Donna Z's reasoned analysis for Clark. Jmaier's gently lethal prods for Clark. I'm going to stop naming names or I'd be at this all day, but you're all in there, in my heart and mind. But the reason, the reason for us still being who we are for Clark, is the elegance with which we can carry our scars and laugh at the knives. I guess, in part, we can thank the Deanies and their leftie cohorts who put us through the paces at a time we needed to become who we are now: Wes Clark Democrats.
Bless them all!
contrast this to the Moonie Times quote on the opportunists of the movement:

. "The real cause is the campaign for America's future, for the future of all our families."
But for the activists, it was the end of the cause -- one they had given up their jobs and months of their lives to pursue.

Frenchie Cat responds to original message:

Boy....I remember those days!!!! Thanks Jersey for even mentioning me! I remember having to pull out Clark's speech from the Republican fundraiser, Moore's audio tape on Clark, NED defense, Stephens' group's non link truth, the famous hypothetical Bush speech at the convention if Dean were to win the nom, the "Dean did ask Clark to be VP" proof, the SOS defense, etc.....

Those days kept us busy defending the General, that's for sure! The attacks never stopped.
The great thing was, Wes Clark was sooooo defensible. It was pure Joy to represent that man!

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