Tuesday, March 09, 2004

(#276) (Rated 5.00/1)

by Laurie (Laurie at forclark dot com) on 03/09/2004 06:26:26 PM EST

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Clearsky: That is also the impression I got. That Halberstam could not understand why an officer who was clearly one of the best and brightest the army had to offer was systematically run out of the military. Also, he appeared to be too honest, outspoken and went with his gut instead of always by the book for their taste.
LA4WesClark: I was wondering about that too. Maybe he meant "I'm not interested in talking about that subject, Judy. You are a hideous mutant neocon and you're lucky I'm talking to you at all."
OK, maybe just the first part could be attributed to him.

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