Saturday, March 06, 2004

(#51) (Rated 5.00/1)

by LJM ( on 03/06/2004 11:48:59 AM EST

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  I don't think there were any press cameras allowed at the Ad Astra Dinner  We looked and sure didn't see any.  There were some pretty spirited speeches from various Kansas luminaries.  I think ksenija was the only one to film it.  At the close of the dinner, they showed a film of a speech Kennedy made in Wichita in 1960.  He may have been the last Democratic candidate to take the time to campaign in Kansas.  It was a very cool speech and although almost 45 years ago, the message is still much the same.  Also, when we sang the song, the people in the room started clapping in time to us singing.  It was very cool and those who were in he audience told us later that we sounded ok, we didn't stink.  We put our best singer in the front with the mic. When the general approached us, he kept saying, "I can't believe it.  I can't believe it."

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