Saturday, March 06, 2004 on 03/06/2004 12:04:17 PM EST

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Well, Wes will believe it. We have our bloggers like you (LJM) and Larry and Ksenja all over the states waiting for him. He will see his signs, his buttons, his stars even if he is wearing a Kerry button. We are Wes Clark partriots, whether Dems, Repubs or independents, and WesClarkdemocrats if you use the small "d" in democrat. For those of us who are moderate independents who vote mostly for Democrats but not exclusively, the small d is nice. Some good Repubs in the world. Voted for some of them myself from time to time. Sometimes it is hard to tell a good Repub from a good Dem. However, neocons stick out like sore thumbs along with extreme right wingers calling Clark out on Weko. Got some Dem left wingers that blame him for bombing while he saved over a million lives. Glad the general has a big tent.

larry's response:

(#81) (No rating)

by Larry in KC on 03/06/2004 12:43:24 PM EST

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Well, we struggled with the tune a little, too, but the intent was very clear. We had the safety of numbers.
The "I can't believe it!" was entirely positive, I think, based on the look on his face throughout the song, and as he came over to us, and the warmth of the hugs and handshakes. I took it to mean, "I can't believe you'd do this for me! I'm so flattered!" or something equally positive to that effect.
I like to think he hasn't had it sung to him much before, so we kind of surprised him, in a good way.

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