Sunday, March 07, 2004

(#85) (No rating)

by bl23 on 03/07/2004 12:56:11 PM EST

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I was pretty amazed at the difference of seeing Clark just then, and earlier the other three (Graham, Richardson and Rendell) on FTN.  Those three basically all praised Bush for 9/11.  They gave somewhat qualified support to the notion that Bush should use this issue in his campaign.
Clark was the ONLY one who defined how the Dems will have to use 9/11.  And if they don't, they lose.  It's something I haven't heard Kerry talk about at all..I wonder if he has the guts to.  Clark was so good also with talking about how Iraq should be a central focus.
Karl Rove is sleeping more easily now that Clark will not be Pres. nominee.  After seeing that compared to the other three this morning, I'm more convinced than ever that Kerry will not win without Clark, because with any of the other three on the ticket (with the possible exception of Graham, but he's not a strong running mate for other reasons), these issues would not get brought up, and Bush will be Commander in Chief, instead of guy who was AWOL on 9/11, and run amok after.  No way will Kerry win without him.  And it terrifies me that Kerry will not see this.  The VP question made me a little nervous.  Clark looked soo serious. Not happy at all.

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