Sunday, March 07, 2004

(#93) (Rated 5.00/1)

by Lara (Lara at forclark dot com) on 03/07/2004 12:59:00 PM EST

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Wes speaks the truth and the media doesn't like it. I think that's why we witnessed the black out.
Instead of hemming and hawing about the 9/11 Bushco ads, instead of vascilating about the reasons we went to war in Iraq, like all the establishment Dems, Clark went for the juggular and ripped in out in all it's pulsating glory: "you won't see Iraq in those commercials... etc."
I love you, Wesley Clark!
In fact, the only thing Clark was ambiguous about in the whole interview was when he was asked the smarmy question by Wolf and, then, he wasn't coy - just a touch ambigous. No smile. No huff.
In fact, the glare that Clark gave Wolf for the way he asked the questions would have buried Blitzer twice if looks could kill. I don't think I'd want Clark mad a me, that's for sure!

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