Donna Zen (1000+ posts) Sun Jan-04-04 01:30 AM
Response to Reply #24
35. A Founding Member
Before I'd heard of the draft movement, before I saw his stunning performance on MTP, his name came up on another forum in a thread devoted to screening possible candidates. A woman who was part of the original Wellstone green bus movement, wrote about her thoughts outlining the need for Democrats to get the "weak on defense" label off the table, or we were heading for trouble. She made the case for General Clark, and everyone set out posting about Ramsey Clark. Once the confusion cleared, the question of his policies remained up in the air.
Weeks went by, and slowly Wesley Clark the person, began to take shape. He was clearly progressive, and definately brilliant, but I needed more. No more wooden candidates need apply; winning would be difficult enough without trying to convince the public that a not-ready-for-prime-time good guy needed their vote. The military association never really bothered me. One has a choice of carrying unfounded, out-of-date baggage or letting it go and seeing things as they are, not filtered by a lens of distrust that clearly blurs ones vision. After seeing him on MTP, I was happy to check off the charisma box.
My Wellstone friend wrote about a meeting she had with the Senator the day after Clinton assigned Holbrooke and Clark the mission to Bosnia. I'm not sure how many realize that Wellstone was one of the strongest voices begging for intervention into the slaughter in the Balkans. Wellstone said, "Well, I've finally found my general." She also told of a party in the Iron Range that Wellstone had for Clark. So_is Clark a Wellstone plant?
Finally, I learned that a friend of mine has known Clark for over thirty years. I wrote to her, and her answer pretty much "sealed the deal." The General and I chatted about her today.
I'm not sure when I wrote the letter, sent some money, and became a Founding Member. I'm looking at the pin at this moment, and it surely says "Draft" on it.
What started as a strategic move, has since become a chance to make a difference. For those who want to apply the litmus test, I remind them that reaching for negatives has never led to positive outcomes. For those who refuse to recognise the Draft Clark people as grassroots, if negating my efforts feeds your energy you have my permission to do so, but be warned, its your karma.
For those who honestly had difficulty when this ship set sail, please, please, remember that Clark himself said, that we launched while we were building the boat and he was hoping for some mermaids. We are still swimming and want you to know that the water's fine.
BTW, Clark has decided that the rightwing is wrong, we hold the values card:
"The republicans use religion to divide us, but Democrats know that all religions teach that if you have more, then it is time to help others brothers and sisters."
Friday, March 05, 2004
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