Friday, March 05, 2004

[new] (#53) (No rating)

by Robbedvoter (Robbedvoter at forclark dot com) on 03/05/2004 12:55:03 PM EST

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I turned off CNN after the Coup 2000. I had watched it unfold on CNN (Palm Beach decisions, Miami "bourgeois" riots, suspicious statements on election night from W that "Florida will be OK" as it was already in Gore's column...Then, on  December 13, Officer Barbrady from South Park took control: "Move along folks, noting to see here"
  And I also vaguely remember a Black Friday there when the remnants of journalism were summarily fired - Bernard Shaw and a large number of less known people (the disloyals).
   Then the Spin Room was cancelled after a call from Cheney. (Clark also mentioned Cheney calling to get rid of him). Then we heard Isaacson was begging Limpballs to come on and meeting with RNC people in DC for guidance...
   Later, Isaacson was replaced and I held a glimmer of hope - but I was wrong.
       I remember another detail: in 2001 or 2002, Dick Satan Cheney had a heart attack. 2 name droppers caught the attention: "But I just had lunch with him and he was OK" Their names? Brit Hume - no surprise there and....our beloved Judy Wooff Wooff.
Need I go on?

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