Tuesday, March 02, 2004

[new] (#205) (No rating)

by Dee P (dodeeforclark.com) on 03/02/2004 10:48:01 PM EST

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Isn't it curious that Wes Clark is not mentioned anywhere by any body. He hasn't been doing interviews, or making any statements. However, he seems so relaxed,confident, and going about the business of campaigning for Kerry. Untouched by the media, and quietly building strength for Democratic Party. He is flying beneath the wings of the Kerry nomination. I am sure the DNC realized the Repug. were voting for Edwards, to get Clark out of the race. They also know Clark is the Roveins worse nightmare and they decided he needed to be in a position, not required by the voting public, to spread his message. Also, the media was supporting the Bush/Rovian wishes.  I heard Kerry in his speech tonight, utter many of Clarks words. I believe the curiousty of running mate will be a VERY big surprize, and will be done when it will throw the Bushies off. We have a long time before the Nov. election and will be a very difficult balance to bring out a series of twists and turns to throw off the Rep. attacks and get media coverage.  This is a strategy, and will play out over the next few months. I think Clarks quietness is there for a reason.  Just my opinion!

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