Tuesday, March 02, 2004

[new] (#298) (No rating)

by Anonymous on 03/02/2004 11:05:46 AM EST

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#202  CherylP
I'm convening my caucus tonight and both of my children and my husband will be there.  We will be casting votes for Kerry though as the numbers are looking like Edwards just might pull off a squeeker.  I know about those educational experiences with children...my daughter is 20 and her first voting experience ever I took her to the polls and helped her register and she cast her first vote ever for Wellstone in the primary before he died.  It was the only vote on the ticket for her because the other races in our area were all running unopposed.  She mentioned that experience the other night and asked how this presidential primary/caucus would be different - so, with dinner came caucus training!  This will be my son's first voting experience as he turned 18 last month.  He did have the experience though of taking Poli Sci 1001 at the University of Minnesota during the period surrounding Wellstone's death and Mondale's short candidacy with a professor who had written several textbooks on governmental processes and who sometimes was late to class because he was out front being interviewed by CNN.  All in all, we will not raise a bunch of kids who are unaware of the power of government.  This campaign has empowered all of us to never sit back and let the government be run by bullies again.

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