[new] (#303) (No rating)
by Robbedvoter (Robbedvoter at forclark dot com) on 03/08/2004 01:45:21 PM EST
let me elaborate further this "backfiring" scenario; somehow, the media convinces the voters that W was a hero befire, through and after 9.11 - which was the fault of the Mighty Clenis.
So, Clark 'slinkers his way to little Rock" Shelton's buddy gets on the ticket - both Johns start telling us that indeed, Osama=Saddam and proceed to whip W with wet noodles and rose petals...and we win? Hmmm, wasn't that the course of action recommended by...Joementum?
Yup. Now I am calm. Going to renew my passport.
(#291) (Rated 5.00/1)
by Robbedvoter (Robbedvoter at forclark dot com) on 03/08/2004 01:28:06 PM EST
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Your readings only made me angry. You say Clark is the canary in the coalmine for kerry?
F* it, that's the sures way too turn me off kerry completely.
y Vicky (Vicky at forclark dot com) on 03/08/2004 01:27:48 PM EST
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I had the same feeling yesterday, Can't Believe. That Clark was saying things that Kerry might have to distance himself from at some point, yet things that would benefit his campaign nonetheless. And that it might be impossible to have someone on the ticket who spoke out like Clark did. And Clark knew this damn well. This might be his sense of "walking point." And I think we're just seeing and hearing the very beginning.
Being a teenager-young adult in the '60's another thought crossed my mind, unfortunately and unbidden. If he's NOT the VP candidate and he continues to speak out as he does, he's out there without much protection. That's a soldier for you!
(#282) (Rated 3.00/2)
by icantbelieveimvotingforageneral (icantbelieveimvotingforageneral at forclark dot co) on 03/08/2004 01:18:20 PM EST
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At first it scared the sh*t out of me when I heard what Wes said in Kansas.
Yesterday morning when I heard that Kerry was sending a team to Iraq in the very near future, I thought, "Wow. That's a fantastic idea. Suppose they go over there and come back with a clear plan on what needs to be done. That would really show up Bush. We could win that way." And I would guess that Clark would be very involved with that (although, later, on CNN, I heard Clark say he didn't know anything about it--don't know what to make of that.) And then after Kerry wins the election, Clark could be SOS, which I believe Wes said he'd prefer over VP.
Then, after seeing Clark yesterday, as everyone was pointing out, Clark was bringing up things that career politicians can't afford to bring up, like Bush and 9/11. Then, almost immediately, as soon as they knew that these things wouldn't be career killers, Kerry was repeating them. These things, if they backfired, could ruin a political career. Well, Clark hasn't based his life on a political career, so he has the least to lose. Perhaps Kerry's team (Clark included) think that Clark's best contribution will be as this attack dog. If he's got him as his VP and his attack dog and one of the things that he brings up backfires, Kerry's in trouble. If he's not on the ticket and it backfires, Clark can "slink" off back to Little Rock, with very little damage done to Kerry. And then, after Kerry wins, he could still appoint Wes SOS. This may sound awful, and in a lot of ways it is, but Clark may have volunteered for this duty.
The point is, to me, that Wes is way ahead of me on all this stuff. If he's not panicked, then I shouldn't be either. As I've said many times before, one of the reasons I liked Wes so much is that he's smarter than me and a better person than me (and I'm pretty smart and a pretty good person, if I do say so myself.) Anyway, this means that I don't have to worry about Wes knowing what the right thing to do is and I don't have to worry about him doing what he knows as right. I can stop second guessing. After 3 years of dipsh*t, it's hard to imagine that we can have complete trust in our leader!
Of course, that's a personal decision that everyone has to make. But I hope my thoughts can help bring you to peace. I must say I feel a lot better now that I've started to think this way.
Monday, March 08, 2004
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