Monday, March 08, 2004

y noelschutz ( on 03/08/2004 09:34:20 AM EST
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No. Yes. Probably not. Maybe.

Those were the wishy-washy answers yesterday from four top Democrats thought to be on John Kerry's short list of potential running mates.

1. No. "The first waveoff came from New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who raised his hand during a TV appearance to indicate Kerry should scratch him from the vice presidential short list. 'I've only been governor a year,' shrugged Richardson in an appearance on CBS' 'Face the Nation.'"

2. Yes. "Sen. Bob Graham of Florida, a failed presidential candidate, alluded to the 2000 Florida recount fiasco by suggesting Kerry will need a sure strategy to net the battleground state's 25 electoral votes. "I think who [Kerry] selects as vice president will have a lot to do with what that strategy is," said Graham, who has made it no secret he wants the job.

3. No. "Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, insisted he lacks the chops. 'It should be someone who could be President,' Rendell said. "[Graham and Richardson] both have foreign policy experience. They both have real homeland security and domestic terrorism experience.' [He also pointed out, but not reported in this article, that he was from the northeast and as a former DNP chair would not recommend that as a mix.]

4. Maybe. Former contender retired Gen. Wesley Clark fielded similar questions by aping the vague statements [WTF -- hate stupid statements like this] he made on the campaign trail - he said neither yes nor no. 'As I said during the campaign, I was running to be President of the United States,' Clark told CNN's 'Late Edition.' 'I am going to try to help John Kerry.'"

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