Tuesday, March 02, 2004


WOO HOO, WesPeople!!!
I FINALLY cast my vote for Wesley Clark in the Maryland primary this morning!!! Boy, that felt good......and it also brought a sense of closure to this whole thing, for me.
I walked into the polls in full regalia; dressed in red, white and blue with my Clark buttons blazing on my jacket.  The gentleman who checked me in scanned my Clark finery and winked at me, in a knowing way.  
When I was leaving, another gentleman who had just entered the building noticed my Clark display and stopped me.  He said he thought that Clark had dropped out of the race.  I told him that his name was still on the ballot and that I worked damn hard for him and wasn't about to cast my vote for anybody else.  He nodded his head and said thank you....then flashed a big smile........
Afterwards, I got in my car to head for work and during the drive I opened the windows and let out a DEAN SCREAM that may have been heard for miles.....
It's a Beautiful Day!

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