Thursday, March 04, 2004

Thu Mar-04-04 11:49 PM
Response to Reply #131
174. You almost brought me to tears here - and not cuz I am mentioned either
You really hit on something.
I am a Wes Clark democrat - this remains my political identity regardless of who I am. A lot of self questioning came out of these ferocious attacks - mostly about my belonging in the same party with these people.
The entire "you are not democrat for us" thing got to me (I only became one after the coup). Jane Shaheen's press conference - then her voting for Nixon coming out...
And after all that he is put through, this man wants to help this decayed, dying, snotty party - remind it of what it was supposed to be about - oh, well, I had to stay. But I am not a democrat like everyone else. Notin that I carry a grudge (I do, for now , but it does not define me), but I can see Clark's vision for this party - and I am willing to put in the work for it.
And I know that everyone on this thread distilled the same experiences and matured in an idealistic but effective fighter for the truth, democratic ideals.
We'll work for this election, but this is only a step in the big plan.
So, we'll stick together, I guess
We'll follow the old man wherever he wants to go
As long as he wants to go opposite to the foe

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