Monday, March 01, 2004

(#111) (Rated 5.00/1)

by TOTALLY COMMITTED on 03/01/2004 01:07:24 PM EST

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I forgot to touch on this as well:
I believe whatever he decides to do in the future, Gert will be with him 1000%. She is not the kind of woman who needs frills and "extras" to be happy in her life with Wes. She's proved that time and time again. This is a woman who "stands by her man" -- not inthe Country music, doormat sort of way, but they truly are a team. She wants to serve this country as much as he does. I saw that every time she spoke during the campaign.
I can't tell you how much I admire this woman for her performance in this campaign. She is a trooper who loves the man she stands beside. I really feel if he wants to go on in some capacity in the Kerry administration, she will encourage him in any way she can to do so. (And probably already has...)

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