Monday, March 01, 2004

[new] (#136) (No rating)

by TOTALLY COMMITTED on 03/01/2004 01:21:29 PM EST

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I said this the other night to a friend in e-mail, but I'll say it here, too:
I fervently (with all my heart and soul) believe that ONLY A KERRY/CLARK, or a CLARK/KERRY ticket will have even a chance of beating Bush in the GE. If anyone but Clark is chosen my Kerry for VP on his ticket, I stop campaigning and start preparing for another 4 years of Bush. Not another dime, or a moment of my time will the Kerry campaign get, because IT WILL BE IN VAIN.
The "Double Whammy" that a KERRY/CLARK ticket would provide in the areas where Bus is weakest will be the only thing that COULD be strong enough to win against all the dirty tricks, wedge-issues, and (God help us...) the rigged computer voting that will go on this time around.
I cannot abide the thought of 4 more years of Bush. But.... I guarantee you, that's what we will SURELY get with any ticket that does not include Clark. I believe that strongly.

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