Monday, March 01, 2004

[new] (#100) (Rated 5.00/1)

by Clearsky on 03/01/2004 12:55:45 PM EST

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Astonishing as it may seem, not yet a month has gone by since the last major poll with General Wes Clark versus George W. Bush in it was done.
Here's the quote from the result of the February 9th poll of LIKELY VOTERS done by cnn/gallup:
"When likely voters were asked whether they preferred Bush or Kerry, 49 percent answered the president and 48 percent chose Kerry.
A week ago when Kerry was riding a wave of primary and caucus victories, he held a 7-point advantage on that question.
In hypothetical matchups, Bush bested Edwards 50 percent to 46 percent, and was ahead of Clark 51 percent to 46 percent. The president held his biggest advantage over Dean, 53 percent to 43 percent. "
Given even any margin of error at all, it was a dead heat for the top three contenders , Clark, Edwards and Kerry against Bush.
Let's remember that  --- remember that --- remember that  when we think of General Wes Clark's first elective effort and our effort. (It's amazing!)

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