Saturday, March 06, 2004

You know why I call myself a Clark Democrat?
I am the kind of democrat who doesn't start wars (or support people who do so).
I am also the kind of Democrat who will change this party so true progressives - rather than Mayflower democrats - pretenders - will be welcome in this party - and make it once again about ideals, the people not power plays and demagoguery.
I am the kind of Democrat that is in this party because someone better than me - showed me the importance of public service over hurt feelings.
I was going to leave this party - because of jerks like you - instead I am staying - because of a leader like Clark who sees the common good above the persoinal interest (you wouldn't begin to understand that).
And someday, somehow, decent people will revive this sorry shell of a party, and I'll be proud to call myself a democrat again.

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