Monday, March 01, 2004

(#283) (Rated 5.00/3)

by ElizabethEnglish on 03/01/2004 09:49:45 AM EST

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The things that stick in my mind, are Wes saying he would be getting back to us about his plans sometime in the middle of March, as things in the Dem race played out.
Kerry has alluded to the possiblity that he will announce VP choice when his numbers are high enough to indicate a win for nomination.  That time frame is similiar to  the one Wes pointed to.
Also, I had the good fortune, quite by accident, of hearing a little bit of information(about two weeks ago) that Wes is working hard behind the scenes, on several fronts, lots of good things happening. 
This person is notable and I believe what was told me is true.  It is certainly reasonable to believe, as we see things unfold with Edwards and I have to chuckle thinking of WEs at his gym, workin' that body to keep it in shape, and good ol' boy wonder Edwards sweatin' his ass off for naught but to shoot himself in the foot.
The buzz in the air is starting to build.
Elizabeth in Greensboro

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