Sunday, March 07, 2004


[new] (#290) (Rated 5.00/1)

by beckham on 03/07/2004 10:09:39 PM EST

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....and that is the problem. I said it a long time ago, when Wes Clark first entered the race, that the strengths of the Dean campaign were also what would ultimately undo it. To say that the Dean campaign (or Clark's for that matter) "revolutionized" politics with the emphasis on internet and grassroots support is not borne out by the facts. As of Super Tuesday, neither campaign was really registering on the meter outside of Dean's home state of Vermont. That mainly because the other candidates had never bothered to campign there and I don't think Edward's even regstered for the ballot.
So by any objective measure, the "old style" campaigns kicked the "insurgents" butts here. The main difference between the Dean effort and the Clark effort is that the voters got a good look at Dean and rejected him, while they never really got a chance to judge Clark as the race was all but over before they even had a chance to vote for him. Wes lost simply because Kerry stepped into the spot that opened up for Clark in Iowa because he was not there. After that, the other states just seemed to go along, by and large.

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