[new] (#39) (No rating) by ElizabethEnglish on 03/08/2004 07:44:56 AM EST
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I was glad to see that the General's eyes were no longer at half mast! He looked the picture of health, which was a relief after watching him grow paler and thinner by the week.
I think that Wes was playing poker with Wolf. I imagine that Wolf felt a kind of a velvet gloved "smackdown", and other anchors who abused thier privelege of interviewing him are going to pay thier comuppance as well, I am willing to bet (even though the only card came I can reliably play is Old Maid).
Wes is going to let the press toss in the wind as much as he can get away with, now that he no longer has to degrade himself by trying to parse his words so they will actually get what he says right, if that ever happened at all.
He has been a great leader. Look where John Edwards, Howard Dean and Lieberman led thier supporters.....on a road to oblivion.
Yet Wes, while maybe not taking the intended route, non the less saved us all from irrelevance. We can still hold our heads high and know that we are respected for our choice in leadership.
To one who was always dissappointed in life at the way she was led by those she trusted, this has been a great outcome, and I expect more will be gotten from it.
E in G
schooltime...got to stop engaging conversation when schooltime rolls around. be back in about 45 min.
Monday, March 08, 2004
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