Saturday, February 28, 2004

(#278) (Rated 5.00/1)

by TOTALLY COMMITTED on 02/28/2004 03:22:01 PM EST

Sybil... Two things are true:
(1) Bush has to go. There is no  one on this Blog that thinks 4 more yeears of his "government" is acceptable. Wes has said his #1 Goal is to see that government gone. Can we all agree about that?
(2) We respect and admire Wesley CLark. There is not one person on this Blog who would not feel a pang of sadness, but whole-heartedly "release" him to go back to a private life if he told us that's what he wanted. Can we all agree about that?
Knowing this man as I do, I believe we are sparring over a moot point. He will not go back to private life with Bush still in office. He just won't. I don't see it.
Everything that we know about him says he hates to lose. That he fights to win. He wants Bush gone. He paid a HUGE SACRIFICE to try and do it himself. I sincerely believe he is going NOWHERE until Bush is out of office.
If he is shown evidence that the surest way for Kerry to win is for him to be on the ticket, and Kerry asks him, the Wes I know will be on that ticket.
Why are we all sparring and sniping at each other over what WE want? If we all got what WE wanted Wes would still be in the race -- at least until after this Tuesday. He doesn't operate that way. Heh's a GENERAL. He DOES WHAT HE SEES FIT. No one on this blog will make him do anything he doesn't want to do.
So... all this is a difference of opinions. After all these months, are we going to come arpart over this? I don't think so.

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