Wednesday, February 18, 2004

(#280) (Rated 5.00/3)

by Donna Z on 02/17/2004 11:35:13 PM EST

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First a big hug and a "thank you" to Robbed for the report. Now for my thoughts:
What we know:

1. We don't know what happened between Clark's farewell speech and the following morning when it was announced that he was endorsing Kerry, but it is safe to say something did happen.
2. Wes considers Kerry a friend.
3. The campaign staff has been dismantled
4. Wes will be speaking around the country, for Kerry and on Kerry's dime, on the subject of the war...and foreign policy.
5. Sooner or later the room we are transmitting from will be closed because ain't nobody paying the rent.
6. Wes loves technology, loves the concept of electronic townmeetings--blogs, and ran one on "Leadership for America."
7. Wesley Clark is swimming with sharks. I'm sure he is aware of this, but he believes for himself and for us: never be afraid.
____What is up in the air____

1. We don't know what was offered, if anything, to Wes in exchange for the endorsement. Personally, I don't think much of anything because Wes is now on a mission to A ) dump bush B) stop the war C ) restore America's status in the world. While I think this group and the blog are important to him, I doubt that they are paramount at this point in time. Eventually, yes. is up in the air.
2. We don't know what Clinton is up to. I always thought the connection was not as strong as the media makes it out to be. Seriously, I'm sure Clinton likes Wesley very much and respects him, but Clinton likes Clinton much more.
This thread is probably dead now, so I'll continue later.

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