Monday, February 16, 2004

Jen, the General specifically told state organizers and Rep. Betty McCollum
of MN on two separate occasions last Wednesday that he wanted us to:

1. "retain our identity" as Clark supporters;

2. not fold into the Kerry camp;

3. support Kerry at our own "comfort level";

4. not to release Clark databases to Kerry or any other campaign;

5. await "marching orders";

6. Also, it's clear that Wes would be very pleased if we chose to vote for
him in the primaries: when a supporter told him during a conference of
grassroots state orgainzers that she was still going to vote for him in an
upcoming primary, he distinctly said, "Good!" and when many supporters
(including myself) called HQ on Wednesday and said they were going to
vote for Clark in their primaries, the response ranged from, "Good!" to
Alexandra, SOB (Sick Of Bush)

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